Monday, 19 September 2011

Urban Art - not Graffiti! - ask th' Council...

This fun buccaneering Urban Art event was instigated after reading statements by Council in the local paper about their having an Urban Arts Policy.  We phoned  to ask about the policy, not wanting to break any rules... and were told that they didn't actually have one! (???)  Great! a loop hole, they have one, but they haven't really!  Covert urban art.  Nelson artists wanting to do our bit to join in the other urban art festivities in Nelson....!


  1. Go Ro. Such a shame that so many of the works have been removed already. And some of your mates seem to have whimped out too - can't take the heat?

  2. I see some philistines are giving Ro and his mates a hard time online
    check it out and get some balance going, peoples...

  3. Shame you have no talent for art.

  4. Thanks mate, yep, me talent fer art is sadly lacking, I have th' passion but not th' ability. Better that.... than havin' th' talent and no passion.

  5. Well I dunno about R0 - from what I've seen, his talent is for skulling rum and de-skulling dickheads like anony#3 ... so watch yerself, matie. The team Ro's got behind him includes some top artists, who just wanna have some fun and brighten up the town. Eh. -- (Anon #1 and #2)

  6. lots o' anonymous folk in this wee city..... anonymous norm'ly means 'lily-livers... grin. Ye don' work fer the paper do ye? Lot's o lily-livers there who's only clout is th' power o media an fairfax behind 'em. Take 'em out o' th' paper business an they're just themselves....

  7. well, roguish sounds kind of anonymous to me...

  8. Mate, I've got balls bigger than the lot of em workin fer th' paper!
    Hell hath no fury bigger than Roguish bein' pissed off!.... I'm worse than a bloody female... an that's sayin' somethin'... laugh
    Have ye eva experienced the fury o' a woman mate?

  9. Capt'n Jake Seagull has this to say to Anon#3
    Remember there would'nt be an artist alive that hasn't been told they had no talent, bet you wouldn't turn down a VanGogh or Picasso
