Saturday, 30 July 2011

gettin up to mischief! - Roguish & his mates....

Try to do a 'good deed' for council!

A phone call to Nelson City Council, an offer to fix up the drab & faded 'Welcome to Nelson' sign, for free.  Get everything ship shape before the rugby cup.... do our bit to make Nelson look 'sharp'.  The response from Council?.....  'We don't know who owns the sign, there would be a lengthy process in establishing who owns the sign"  - also -  Once we establish who owns the sign...."the sign 'can't' be tidied up, there's a process to be followed....."  The short answer, 'bureaucracy'. Nothing could be done, and 'if' it could be done.... a lengthy, time consuming, & costly exercise.  That's council for you.  Spend 'rate payer' dollars on a load of bureaucratic twaddle.
So, then we did a bit of thinking.  No one owns the sign...... hmmmm.....  simple solution - "Let's just do it!" No harm to anyone, a bit of fun, good for Nelson... and didn't cost the ratepayer a cent.  Fantastic.!  win/win.
First a bit of experimentation with painting/changing the sign a few times..... get the attention of the locals and the paper.  Next it became a bit of a community competition, calling for people to send in their slogan ideas, a slogan which best represents the Nelson way of life.  There was a small chest of treasure to be won as well!  With over 40 slogans submitted by locals, the stand out slogan was simply - 'Nelson, live the day - 'STAY AND PLAY'. Lighthearted and friendly, hopefully giving the morale of the visitor a positive boost. Nelson is a fun place!  
The winning slogan was submitted by 'Brett Daniell-Smith'.  

And who best to 'represent' Nelson as a fun place?......  The images are of 'Aldo & Ali' - our fun loving Mayor & Deputy Mayor of Nelson!

....and guess what, all you rate payers, it didn't cost you a cent!!  we got sponsorship, mostly from 'Speedy Signs' Nelson (fantastic guy that Glen).... and we gave our artistic efforts for free!

pirates loot went to the lucky winner!

one o' me girlie mates..... who I painted

me meanest girlie mate...
watch out!

me brother 'Shark'

Capt'n Dirk

Capt'n Jake Seagull & his wench

 best mate ......

Roguish's pets....


  1. Hmmmm ... and I thought pirates chests were supposed to be sunken! Not the case here, me hearties ... it's real treasures i see in Roguish's mates.

  2. and which of roguish's mates would yur be eye'n up Pope Joan??
    Better watch yerself or yu'll be gettin a dagger in yur bollocks.
