The rumour going around art circles has been confirmed (substantiated with proof), The Nelson City Council are in the process of allowing the newly formed Iwi Arts Advisory Panel to place cultural/spiritual restrictions on all future submissions of commissioned art work, whether it's done by maori or not, relative to maori or not. Council have asked for a list from Iwi, to be presented at Council early 2012. This came as a result of Nelson Artist Fiona Sutherland - having her submitted work rejected by Iwi because it was offensive (tapu). The funky artwork was a girl with a duck on her head. Apparently food on head is tapu. Fiona is changing her work, and putting the duck in a bath.
At this moment Iwi are compiling a list of 'NO's' to present to Nelson City Council.
Amanda, a Creative NZ spokesperson said Iwi should not impose cultural restrictions on 'general art'. When enquiries were also made by those 'concerned' in Council, on the legalities of this, they were told that Iwi can't impose restrictions on general art, it is censorship. Apparently, when these findings were taken to a senior council staff member, that person said "just do it, we can't offend Iwi, it's not worth the headache". Reportedly this has caused division.
In protest, artists have pasted the artworks below onto the front of the Nelson City Council Building.
Taniwha represent a warning, in part on social issues......
Nelson City Council supporting one group in imposing their spiritual beliefs on 'all' is definately not on. It's discrimination, and breaches censorship guidelines.
Let's hope that making this public..... will result in the Nelson City Council taking a fast backwards step.